More about Patty

Family and friends are important to me. Lucas, our dog who has taken over the La Z Boy, shares a home with my husband and me in the Manassas area of Northern Virginia. While not photographing pets I like to photograph landscapes because it is relaxing. If I can catch a wild animal in a scene the better. Here are some snippets,

Things I like to do:

Going on road trips with my husband and Lucas

Taking short hikes and walks in the park

Bicycling, fishing and just about anything outside

Doing Fast CAT events with Lucas

Reading, some needle arts and watching old Western movies and TV Shows

Most interesting work and volunteer experiences:

Volunteer photography with Manassas Animal Shelter

Neighborhood Watch

Project leader with 4H including rifle instructor

Working the 2020 US Census

One of my favorite quotes:

"A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal..."

Proverbs 12:10